Assessment of Showerloop
Next Meeting: 11.06.2021 10 am Finish Documentation around: End of June
- No Need 500€
Assessment Status
Technical Documentation fulfills requirements for application -
Assessment preparation (CAB-Admins) -
Assessment started -
Assesment finished
Technical Documentation Status
Assembly Instructions available -
BOM available -
Source files available -
Technical drawings available -
Suitable License used
Leading questions
- Is the documentation ready to be reviewed?
- On what date did you agree on for the completion?
- Does the project need help in some way to complete the documentation?
Fields of technology to be reviewed:
- Mechanics, hydrodynamics, electronics, water purification, digital fabrication
- Fusion360,
Contact persons
- CAB-Admin: @lukass
- Applicant: @showerloop
- Reviewer: @username @username
- Project Repository: https://showerloop.org/
- Assessment-Repository:https://gitlab.opensourceecology.de/verein/projekte/cab/showerloop
Edited by Lukas Schattenhofer