[Assessment] UniProKit
Assessment of UniProKit Basic-, Box- and Frame-Set
Version: V2.06
- Project Repository: https://github.com/case06/upklib_v2
- Description: https://wiki.opensourceecology.de/Upklib
- Assessment-Repository: upklib-v2#2
The repository contains the basic and 8 other sets. This assessment is focussed on the assessment of the basic set, the others are currently an addition and are primarily assessed during other projects based on the set components.
Assessment Status
Technical Documentation fulfills requirements for application -
Assessment preparation (CAB-Admins) -
Assessment started -
Assesment finished
Technical Documentation Status
Assembly Instructions available -
BOM available -
Source files available -
Technical drawings available -
Suitable License used
Leading questions
- Is the documentation ready to be reviewed?
- On what date did you agree on for the completion?
- Does the project need help in some way to complete the documentation?
Fields of technology to be reviewed:
- e.g. mechanics, electronics, ...
- FreeCad, KiCad
helpful links
Edited by Nils Weiher