# Welcome to community-based assessment of open source hardware!
**Welcome to community-based assessment of open source hardware!**
**You, the reviewer**, are part of this pilot of decentralised, transparent and community-driven quality control of documentation for open source hardware (OSH). We believe that this procedure (standardised by [DIN SPEC 3105-2](https://osegermany.gitlab.io/OHS/din/DIN_SPEC_3105-2.pdf)) contributes to the overall trustworthiness and applicability of open source hardware. As a side effect we hope this helps OSH projects to interconnect to each other.
**You, the reviewer**, are part of this pilot of decentralised, transparent and community-driven quality control of documentation for open source hardware (OSH). We believe that this procedure (standardised by [DIN SPEC 3105-2](https://osegermany.gitlab.io/OHS/din/DIN_SPEC_3105-2.pdf)) contributes to the overall trustworthiness and applicability of open source hardware. As a side effect we hope this helps OSH projects to interconnect to each other.\
Thanks for donating your time and brain capacity for this. Highly appreciated.
# The Scope
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