This is the Wiki for the [OSEG Confirmity Assessment Body (OSEG CAB)](https://gitlab.opensourceecology.de/verein/projekte/cab/CAB) guiding you through all relevant information around the assessment of Open Source Hardware (OSH).
# Documentations
Get started with our documentations.
### [Conformity Assessment Body](3-Further-Information/CAB)
Here you will find the background on the Conformity Assessment Body, the Assessment Process and the DIN SPEC 3105 itself. The documentation will introduce you to the workflow and the different entities within.
However, if you are burning to get started quickly feel free to jump directly to your favourite area:
### [HowTo Git](/2-Guides/howto-git)
Find basic instructions on how to work with git and links to follow-up tutorials for advanced help.
### [Application Guide](https://gitlab.opensourceecology.de/verein/projekte/cab/CAB/-/wikis/2-Guides/application-guide)
Learn about the requirements to get started with your project attestation process and how to update your project during the attestation.
### [Reviewing](/2-Guides/review-guide)
Learn how to participate in the attestation of OSH projects by reviewing the technical documentation.
### [CAB-Administration Guide](/2-Guides/cab-admin-guide)
The Guide introduces you to the relevant tasks for the CAB administration.
### [Template Guide](/2-Guides/issue-templates-guide)
Instructions on how to use the issue templates easing reviews and the work of CAB Admins.
### [Licensing](/3-Further-Information/OSH-licenses)
The license overview list all licenses accepted according to DIN SPEC 3105-1.
### [FAQ](/4-FAQ/faq)
Find all the common questions answered in our FAQ.
Go back to the [OSEG Confirmity Assessment Body (OSEG CAB)](https://gitlab.opensourceecology.de/verein/projekte/cab/CAB/-/blob/main/README.md#repositories) to find links to our repositories and information on current contribution possibilities. |