Filtering of official and inofficial activities
Many people do many things under the general label OSEG. It would be nice to communicate all that has been done, once a year, to everyone (interested). In the Jahresbericht, only official work done under OSEG e.V. should appear. Now, most people do not think in this way: "X I did for the association, Y I did for OSEG, but was paid for by someone else", so these things get mixed up, and lots of data gets collected which then again has to be discarded, for legal reasons, if we want to do it correctly.
Proposed Solution
Record all of that, in a single (Markdown) document, but tag it (into official and unofficial. A script then filters out all unofficial parts, and from the remainder renders the official Jahresbericht, while we can also render the whole document, which is what everyone apart form the officials is interested in. Doing it this way, should reduce administrative overhead, both for the people reporting what they did, and for the Vorstand, which has to do or at least oversee the filtering. The tagging its self can be done by the reporters themselves, or by the Vorstand later on. I would imagine the filtering to happen on a per paragraph, list-item or heading level. It could be run locally with a script, and would be run in a CI job on each commit on GitLab.