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Kleine Werkstatt als "offene Lehrwerkstatt" gefördert durch Postcode mit 24.800€
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A script to automatically synchronize Logseq graphs with a Git repositoy. It resolves merge conflicts by simply mark them. The script groups a number of functions together to interact with them via Git hooks.
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OSE Germany e.V. / Projekte / CAB / MakersMill
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universalcloned from https://github.com/case06/MakersMill
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FreeCAD Files Wiki for vheliotech
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Muster für eine Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung zur Wahrung der DSGVO beim Umgang mit sensiblen (bspw. personenbezogenen) Daten im Verein
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OSE Germany e.V. / Projekte / CAB / MetaBrailleReview / metabraille_pcb
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalUpdated -
OSE Germany e.V. / Projekte / CAB / MetaBrailleReview / metabraille_case
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalUpdated -
OSE Germany e.V. / Projekte / CAB / vHelio E-Cargo / vheliotech FreeCAD
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalUpdated -