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The OpenFlexure project aims to make high precision mechanical positioning available to anyone with a 3D printer, in particular for Microscopes. http://openflexure.org v7.0.0-alpha1 Release downloaded from https://gitlab.com/openflexure
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Describe tools to be used for documentation purposes, as command line programs or for open source hardware projects etc.
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A script to automatically synchronize Logseq graphs with a Git repositoy. It resolves merge conflicts by simply mark them. The script groups a number of functions together to interact with them via Git hooks.
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OSEG Webseite Verein ab Q1 2020
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Quelltext für die OpenEcoLab Webseite, Design und inhaltliche Bearbeitung - NEU: inkl. FAQ
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Quelltext für die OpenEcoLab Webseite, Design und inhaltliche Bearbeitung
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a CI-hosted web interface to create and manipulate manifest files following the OKH specification